“The woman I want to be is patient and trusts the timing of things as they unfold, organically. She isn’t stressed, or frazzled or crazed. She works calmly and consistently and follows her creative instincts.

She allows the magic to happen.”

“The Woman I Want To Be”Melinda Parrish

I’m awkwardly sitting in front of my laptop trying to figure out a way to say “hello” without coming off as too corny or cringe-y. Things like “Welcome!” or “Why, hey there!” have crossed my mind, but my eye twitches at the thought of starting my About page with such an awkward introduction.

So, allow me to skip the formal introductory greeting and just jump into a little about myself. 

It seems more Karla this way.

Karla Ruiz –  An awkward 22 year old, Filipino but Canadian born girl currently attending university as a fourth year nursing student on the road to her BN. Acoustic covers, R&B from the 90s, early to current 2000s and the occasional catchy mainstream pop song is what you will find filling my ears. Makeup and fashion intrigue me, but I’m definitely not skilled or talented enough in both aspects to call myself a connoisseur. I have a ton of random quirks and am easily amused, so it’s very easy to make me laugh. The arts, in any form, is something I can appreciate and really respect one’s ability to express themselves. I’m also really lazy. Like, really  l a z y. 

I enjoy manipulating the experiences life tends to throw at me and deciphering it’s significance plus what it means for me in the long term. I’m constantly working on finding the balance between selfish and selfless and trying everyday (with some relapse, of course) to better myself in many aspects.

So welcome to Life with Karla.

The insights to my likes/dislikes, thoughts, experiences, and everyday quirks. 

Enjoy my take on it all.

– Karla R. 🌹