FILM LUVIN’ #1 | My First Roll of Film

Content is HERE. Quarantine really has me coming out with content and my creative juices be flowin’. Before all this COVID-19 stuff started happening, I told myself that this summer was going to be the summer I dabbled in the world of film photography.

After countless hours of reading articles, and watching youtube videos for research, I decided to go the point and shoot route. I wanted a point and shoot that looked super vintage and cool, and one interaction with someone from Gladstone, MB on Facebook Market Place later; HERE WE HAVE ONE. We really drove out 2 hours out of the city to get her, but I’m so in love with my Minolta Hi-Matic S2. She’s in such amazing condition, and I’m 100% obsessed with her. She was only $20! My friend named her Gracie Lou Freebush, so we’re just going to go with it.

Eventually the goal is to be comfortable enough with the idea of film, that I am able to buy and shoot with a manual film camera. But since I was too eager to learn ALL the depths of manual film cameras and just really wanted to start shooting, getting an (almost completely) automatic camera was the best way to go about it. I’ve been practicing my digital photography a little bit too, so that I become comfortable enough with the settings and with what everything does. This will make film photography settings much easier for me to understand.

After a while, I’ll do a review with the camera, talking about specs and details but as of lately I’ve really been enjoying using her and the shots she’s given me.

Here are my shots from my first roll of him! I shot using Kodak Gold 200 and really loved how the shots came out.

Feel free to follow me on @kr.jpeg for my online photography album!

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See you guys on the next one!

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